Friday, May 28, 2010

Story 17

MAU - Slayers - What Is And What Can Never Be

I will this is something of a cheat. But I wanted to set up the final story a little bit and deal with where Faith is mentally. She is still dealing with her transformation, but she is adjusting slowly.

The whole dream world is based on what she wants on some level. Deep down she does enjoy being female, but she is confused as to why. So her fantasy world has it so that she was always female.

Also R's real name is Richard, I've been trying to fit it in since story 4 or 5.

This is probably the last time we'll see Head Jordan, due to a physical version of him existing now and Faith starting to let go of her past.

The scene where she remembers is inspired by Lost.

As for the last dream bit, I'm not going to say if it is a dream or real.

The next story is the finale and I'll hopefully have it up next week.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Story 16

MAU - Slayers - Getting To Know Yourself

This was a weird one to write. First of all, I'm inserting a new character into the story, although one the audience knows on some level. Also I'm trying to do a sort of "clip show" before the finale.

One of the main goals with this story was to show just how much Faith has changed. While the MAU isn't supposed to cause mental changes, there is no way that it can't on some level. It changes the structure of the brain at the very least. This is meant to highlight that.

Also this is the calm before the storm, big things are coming soon.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Story 15

MAU - Slayers - Are You Sure This Is Canon

Besides the ending, there are a lot of big things that happen here. One of them is Faith's continuing acceptance of her current form, this is probably her biggest step so far. They way that I've written her is not that she hates her body. Based on the rules of the MAU universe, the machine actually makes the user accept the changes. Faith does accept it, but she is very concerned about why she is accepting it. This journey is going to continue for a while, this is the longer arc of the series and the end result of it has been hinted at.

Also fans of Elrod W.'s MAU - Trekkies series may recognize Danni's cameo. Elrod gave me permission to use her in a cameo scene. Which sort of lead me to creating a few new Trekkies. Then there is the ending, which shall be expanded on as the series continues.

The title is a joke, referencing both the discussion on the recent Star Trek movie and the whole issue of the ending.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elrod's Notes

Please do not read until after you read the latest story, which should be added today. Warning: If you do go ahead and read it, the ending will be completely spoiled.